Growing Mint in Containers

In ancient China, pharmacologists extolled the benefits of mint for regulating qi – energy – in the human body. Here’s how to grow this culinary herb in a container.

Grow Your Own Parsley

With its insinuations of camphor and citrus, and its delicate peppery crunch, parsley cuts fat and lends a vigorous zing to almost any dish. Here’s how to grow this herb in your garden.

Coriander Growing Guide

The tiny, pungent leaves of the coriander plant make a handsome thicket of fresh green in either a sunny or partially shaded spot in the garden. Here’s how to grow the herb in your backyard.

Grow Your Own Horseradish

We grate it onto coleslaw or use it as a main ingredient in a fiery sauce that traditionally accompanies roast beef. Here’s how to gvrow your own horseradish.

Grow Your Own French Tarragon

Unlike those overbearing herbs that dominate whatever dish they touch, French tarragon is a gentle mediator of flavors. Here is how you grow this aromatic herb in your backyard.

Grow Your Own Lavender

The ancient Greeks used lavender to fight insomnia and back aches. Mary is said to have washed the feet of Jesus with lavender ointment. Here’s how to grow lavender in your backyard.

Growing Amaranth for Edible Greens

These days, many homeowners grow amaranth strictly as a front lawn ornamental plant. Here’s how to grow it for edible greens in your backyard.