5 Ways Chickens Can Help in Your Garden!

Raising chickens in your backyard is at once fun and rewarding. Not only do they enjoy the space, but they can also help out in the garden!
Want to start an organic garden? Here’s how.

You want to eat more organic food, but going organic is expensive: one look at the grocery store receipt can make you think twice. The good news is, that doesn’t have to stop you from eating healthier.
Why and How You Should Start a Mini-Meadow in Your Backyard

A mini-meadow is essentially an area that gardeners have restored to the charge of nature. In these small plots, woodland violets, spring beauties, daisy fleabanes, and dandelions take precedence over Kentucky bluegrass and Zoysia. And for good reason.
Fungus Gnats: 7 Strong Ways To Removing These Pests

Those tiny black bugs that find their way into your home with your plants in winter are called fungus gnats. Here’s how to get rid of them. (Photo: John Tann/Wikimedia Commons)
No-Till Vegetable Garden – Cultivate Healthy Soil For Your Garden

Mother Nature doesn’t use a spade. That is why ‘no-till’ or ‘no-dig’ gardening is gaining popularity among so many gardeners across the world.
6 Foolproof Ways to Encourage Pollinators in Your Garden

Insects are responsible for one out of every three bites of food. But because they are inconspicuous, small, and hard to track, the fear that there might be far fewer than before comes gradually.
All You Need to Know About Mulch

Mulch keeps the soil moist, keeps weeds at bay, and helps produce healthier plants that require less maintenance.
How to Prune Tomatoes

If you’re growing tomatoes, you’re going to have to face this question sooner or later: to prune or not to prune? There are certain advantages and disadvantages to pruning. The best way for you to decide is to weigh the pros and cons. Tomato plants, when left to just grow by themselves, will grow into […]
Get Rid of Grubs Effectively & Safely: 8 Professional Steps

Grubs are small, worm-like insects. They’re the larvae of most beetles and their presence is a problem for most gardeners. As they grow, they eat grassroots which causes the grass to die. This can cause brown patches on the lawn – an unsightly sight, if I may say so. You want to get rid of […]
Use This Simple Trick to Get Rid of Aphids in Your Garden

Pests are every gardener’s nightmare. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try to take really good care of your gardens, these pesky little creatures still manage to find their way into them. If you’re faced with an insect problem, identify them first and then look for a solution. Aphids, for instance, are a pain. They’re […]