Galvanized Raised Garden Beds⁠ – 5 Effective Tips to Consider

For many years, wooden raised garden beds have been the traditional option. However, galvanized raised garden beds have become increasingly popular in recent years. Each option has its own set of benefits. Galvanized raised garden beds offer a sleek, modern look to any garden. Their durability far exceeds that of rot-resistant wood varieties, such as […]

10 Best Raised Garden Beds⁠—The Ultimate Planters’ Buying Guide for 2024

Raised garden beds can be as simple or as elaborate as you wish. A raised bed planter can be a permanent fixture for perennial plants to establish themselves and mature. The cost of installing your raised bed will vary depending on how detailed you design it, but once placed, raised beds are less expensive to […]

How to Grow Your Own Plums

Some plums are good for eating fresh, others are best for jams, jelly, and cooking. All of them are delicious in their own way. Here’s how to grow your own.

Growing Basil from Seed

People have treasured the unique taste of basil leaves for thousands of years. Here is how you grow this popular culinary herb in your backyard.

Gardening Terms Every Beginner Should Know

If you are new to gardening, you are likely to run into difficulty deciphering certain terminologies in gardening books and blogs. Here is a glossary of terms thay may come in handy.

Grow Your Own Forest Garden

While the name might imply that they require considerable space, forest gardening is simply another way to integrate edible and useful trees and bushes into home gardens.