14 Plants to Bring Luck to Your Home

Last Updated on July 3, 2024 by teamobn

For many people, 2020 was among the toughest years ever. If you’re spending more time at home these days, you may be looking for ways enliven your surroundings and perhaps bring some good luck to your domain.

True enough, the New Year is often a time for traditions involving the notion of luck. And people have always associated certain plants with good fortune. The idea dates back to the beginnings of human civilization.

People have always associated certain plants with good fortune.
People have always associated certain plants with good fortune.

Good Fortune, Money, and Good Vibes

In the West, it’s the “luck of the Irish” and four-leaf clovers that many remember. But people in some of the world’s oldest cultures believe the 14 plants listed below can bring good fortune, money, and “good vibes” into your home, too.

We’re sure you’ll agree that a little more of each of those things can never be a bad thing.

1. Bromeliad

Bromeliad plants will provide an exotic dash to your home and bring a sense of the tropics and sun-drenched climates. The plant’s unusual appearance might make you think it’s high-maintenance. But it’s actually a tough, hardy plant that easy to grow, even for the novice gardener.

Bromeliad plants will provide an exotic dash to your home and bring a sense of the tropics and sun-drenched climates.
Bromeliad plants will provide an exotic dash to your home and bring a sense of the tropics and sun-drenched climates.

2. Chinese Money Plant

The Chinese Money Plant is both beautiful and easy to grow and maintain. Having a superficial resemblance to pennyworts, this evergreen perennial, with round, dark green leaves is usually grown in counters and away from direct sunlight.

The Chinese Money Plant is both beautiful and easy to grow and maintain.
The Chinese Money Plant is both beautiful and easy to grow and maintain.

3. Citrus Plant

The Citrus Plant has lovely shiny, dark green foliage and fragrant blossoms, making it an excellent house plant. There is also the added benefit of a potential fruit harvest. Many species of Citrus are too large to grow indoors, but there are several suitable citrus cultivars available for the home gardener, such as dwarf varieties.

The Citrus Plant has lovely shiny, dark green foliage and fragrant blossoms.
The Citrus Plant has lovely shiny, dark green foliage and fragrant blossoms.

4. Cockscomb

The cockscomb flower is an excellent annual addition to your garden. The plant can vary both in height and color. Some cockscomb varieties are only a few inches tall, while others grow to a few feet. Most gardeners traditionally grow the red variety, but the plant also blooms in yellow, pink, orange, and white.

The cockscomb flower is an excellent annual addition to your garden.
The cockscomb flower is an excellent annual addition to your garden.

5. Lucky Bamboo

Lucky bamboo is one of the most popular indoor plants. The plant is easy to grow and maintenance is a cinch. You can actually grow this bamboo variety in a glass of water for many years with only occasional feeding. Of all indoor plants, the Lucky bamboo is probably the best at surviving under low or artificial lighting, as well.

Lucky bamboo is one of the most popular indoor plants. The plant is easy to grow and maintenance is a cinch.
Lucky bamboo is is easy to grow and its care and maintenance is a cinch.

6. Marigold

Marigolds are resilient garden plants. You can buy them as seedlings and are a speckled color at certain times of the year. They come in a variety of colors but are typically bright yellow and orange. They’re easy to grow and are an excellent companion plant to tomatoes, too.

Marigolds are resilient garden plants.
Marigolds are resilient garden plants.

7. Moth Orchid

The Moth Orchid is easy to maintain and is available in an extensive array of colors. These plants are very popular because of their striking appearance. They are also perfectly suited to life indoors. Because they are cheaper than a bouquet of flowers, they make wonderful gifts.

The Moth Orchid is easy to maintain and is available in an extensive array of colors.
The Moth Orchid is easy to maintain and is available in an extensive array of colors.

8. Peace Lily

Peace lilies are evergreen plants that thrive on the floor of tropical forests. There, they receive dappled sunlight and consistent moisture. They are a popular house plant because they are both beautiful and easy to grow with their oversized foliage and pure white flowers.

Peace lilies are evergreen plants that thrive on the floor of tropical forests.

9. Devil’s Ivy or Pothos

Sometimes called the ‘Money Plant,’ the Devil’s Ivy is one of the best trailing house plants you’ll ever find. In warmer climates, the plant can grow outside. They are best grown indoors in cooler climates. Some believe that while it thrives, you will never be short of money.

The Devil’s Ivy is one of the best trailing house plants you’ll ever find.
The Devil’s Ivy is one of the best trailing house plants you’ll ever find.

10. Jade Plant

Jade plants look like miniature trees, which makes them charming decorative houseplants. With their thick, woody stems and oval-shaped leaves, they survive for many years. In fact, they are often passed down from generation to generation among families, reaching heights of three feet or more when grown indoors.

Jade plants look like miniature trees.
Jade plants look like miniature trees.

11. Peony

Some experts have argued that they are probably the fattest and most delightful of flowers, peonies are a rare combination of fuzz and splendor. Out in your garden, these perennials will return every year in spectacular fashion, blooming from late spring through early summer.

Peonies are a rare combination of fuzz and splendor
Peonies are a rare combination of fuzz and splendor.

12. Chrysanthemum

The Chrysanthemum is a member of the Asteraceae (Compositae) family of flowering plants. They are related to dahlias, sunflowers, marigolds, cosmos, and zinnias. Each bloom is made of hundreds of tiny flowers called florets. Blooming in just about every color of the rainbow, the plant varies in size from the common small cushion mum to the giant spider mum.

Chrysanthemums bloom in just about every color of the rainbow.
Chrysanthemums bloom in just about every color of the rainbow.

13. Snake Plant

Sometimes humorously called “the mother-in-law’s tongue,” the snake plant is said to absorb toxins from the air. In Feng Shui, the plant is said to exude a strong protective energy that shields people in the home from negative Chi.

The snake plant is said to absorb toxins from the air.
The snake plant is said to absorb toxins from the air.

14. Flamingo Lily

Many call Anthurium scherzerianum and Anthurium andraeanum by their common, the flamingo lily, because of their brightly colored, waxy flowers. Enthusiasts appreciate the plants for their exotic looks. When their needs are met, they can bloom year-round, adding a ravishing pop of color in the home.

Enthusiasts appreciate the plants for their exotic looks.
Enthusiasts appreciate the flamingo lilies for their exotic looks.

Feng Shui says that some plants help to balance the water element in the air, displacing negative energy in the process. But whether you believe in the concept of luck or not, having a number of houseplants purifies the air in your home and improves humidity.

There is also valid scientific research to show that indoor plants can help reduce stress in people. Other studies have shown that plants have a positive effect on a person’s well-being.

So, why not grow a plant for your home now?



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