Last Updated on August 12, 2023 by teamobn
In nature’s magnificent show, the morning glory undergoes costume changes like no other floral diva. With normal fluctuations in pH levels, its petals will shift color from blue to pink, and sometimes red in the course of a single day.
Morning glories are annual climbers with slender, curling stems, lush, green, heart-shaped leaves, and trumpet flowers of pink, purple-blue, magenta, or white. The sensuously-shaped blooms unfurl in the sun, immediately drawing a flutter of butterflies and hummingbirds.
The genus to which the more than 1,000 species of morning glories belong is in fascinating flux all over the world. In the Australian bushland, some species develop thick roots and grow in dense thickets. Because they can quickly spread, gardeners Down Undersee them as an invasive weed.
How to Grow Morning Glory
Meanwhile, the morning glory of our gardens is celebrated by horticulturists and gardeners alike. The plant thrives under full sun in moderately fertile, free-draining soil. If you want to grow your own morning glories, choose a site sheltered from strong winds. A vigorous gust is likely to tangle and dislodge its delicate tendrils.
Here is how to grow your own morning glory from seed.
Planting Morning Glory
The seed of the morning glory is covered by a hard, protective coat. Experts recommend that you nick this coat with a nail file and soak the seeds in water overnight. This should ensure easier germination.
You can sow morning glory seeds in late spring or early summer, near a structure the plants can climb. Plant the seeds half an inch deep into the soil, allowing about 12 inches between the planting holes. Cover each seed lightly with about a quarter-inch of soil. Water the planting bed thoroughly.
Care and Maintenance
Caring for morning glory plants is so easy it will sometimes feel pointless. The plants are famous for their tolerance of poor, dry soils. They also establish themselves easily in areas prone to some disturbance, including fence rows and roadsides. In fact, once established, they require little attention.
Ideally, you should keep the soil moist, but not wet. Water the plants during dry periods, once or twice a week. To control unwanted spreading, simply remove spent blooms as they fade. You should also remove dead vines from the premises after the first killing frost in the fall.
Morning glories twine around a support. They do not cling like grape vines. For this reason, they will grow quickest around narrow poles, fences, and trellises. If you protect morning glory vines from frost, they will reward you with blooms well into the fall.
Are you ready to grow your own morning glory flowers?