Growing Amaranth for Edible Greens

These days, many homeowners grow amaranth strictly as a front lawn ornamental plant. Here’s how to grow it for edible greens in your backyard.

Chives: A Versatile Garden Must-Have

Chive leaves look like slender green tubes. The experienced cook snips and gathers them as a garnish. But chives are excellent ornamental plants, too.

How to Grow Your Own Herb Garden

Herbs have several uses – you can use them when cooking, as medicine, as part of your beauty regimen, and many more. If you find yourself buying herbs often, it’s time to start your own herb garden. You’ll get easy access to them the whole year. The good news is, you don’t necessarily need to […]

Luscious Lavender

Honey made from lavender is very highly regarded.

by David Wilks  –  an ambitious, amateur gardener from a long line of ambitious, amateur gardeners! I have always found it very difficult to walk past a lavender bush without running my hands through the foliage. The oils are so pungent that I can smell them on my hands for the rest of the day. […]