How to Grow a Fig Tree in Your Backyard

For all its cultural potency, the common fig – or simply fig – is surprisingly easy to plant and grow. That’s why more and more gardeners are growing figs in their backyards these days.

6 Easy Fruits to Grow in Your Garden

You don’t need a large estate to grow a variety of fruits at home. If space is a problem, you can plant dwarf varieties. You can also try pruning and training trees on a trellis. Even container growing is possible. However, fruit-bearing trees and plants can be a bit picky about location. You should plant […]

How to Grow Peppers

Growing Guide: Peppers

The colorful fruits are low in calories and abundantly rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants. This makes them an excellent addition to a healthy diet and a diverse backyard garden

How to Prune Tomatoes

If you’re growing tomatoes, you’re going to have to face this question sooner or later: to prune or not to prune? There are certain advantages and disadvantages to pruning. The best way for you to decide is to weigh the pros and cons. Tomato plants, when left to just grow by themselves, will grow into […]

DIY Strawberry Cage in 7 Effortless Steps

My small family loves strawberries a little too much. This love affair with strawberries has prompted my mother-in-law and me to grow our own. We started a strawberry garden all excited and hopeful. As they were beginning to bear fruit, we suddenly woke up one morning to find them badly damaged. Some strawberry-loving animals and […]

How to Grow a Lemon Tree in a Pot

Lemon trees, with their brightly colored fruits and fragrant flowers, are a dream. Not only are they nice to look at but they’re very useful as well. Lemons have a wide range of uses – from cooking to cleaning, beauty to health. However, growing a lemon tree is not easy, especially if you have limited […]

10 Fruits You Can Easily Grow in a Container

Do you want to grow your own fruits but you can’t because you don’t have enough space? If you think you need a large area to grow fruits, think again. There are a lot that you can actually plant and grow in containers. If space is the problem, container gardening is the answer. Planting in […]

Fragrant Strawberry Tower: 9-Step Guide to Save Space

I love strawberries and I’ve always wanted to grow my own. I wanted to be able to pick them up by myself and eat fresh strawberries right from our backyard. One thing that has stopped me from planting and growing them is my limited backyard space. There isn’t enough space. This is where a strawberry […]