5 Delicious Edible Flowers for Your Kitchen

People have foraged and cultivated flowers for food, drink, and medicine for centuries. You will find squash blossoms in Italian food, rose petals in Indian food, and chamomile or jasmine tea.

Companion Planting for Beginners

The core principle behind companion planting is to grow two or more kinds of plants together with the hope of yielding mutual benefits.

Sage… great for your garden and wonderful for your health!

To enhance relaxation and mental well-being, sage leaves can be bound and burned as incense.

Ancient Egyptian women drank sage tea as an aid to fertility. In ancient Greece it was used for healing and as an anti-bacterial agent. Those anti-bacterial properties have made it a personal deodorant in some cultures. And, of course, it’s widely used in cooking! So easy to grow and so beneficial! You can grow sage […]

Luscious Lavender

Honey made from lavender is very highly regarded.

by David Wilks  –  an ambitious, amateur gardener from a long line of ambitious, amateur gardeners! I have always found it very difficult to walk past a lavender bush without running my hands through the foliage. The oils are so pungent that I can smell them on my hands for the rest of the day. […]