5 Delicious Edible Flowers for Your Kitchen

People have foraged and cultivated flowers for food, drink, and medicine for centuries. You will find squash blossoms in Italian food, rose petals in Indian food, and chamomile or jasmine tea.

Excellent Ways to Use Wood Ash in Your Garden

Using Ash in Your Garden

If you have a fireplace or a wood-burning stove, then you know about shovelling out ashes. If you’re into recycling, you’ll want a better way to get rid of those ashes than a trash bag.

Companion Planting for Beginners

The core principle behind companion planting is to grow two or more kinds of plants together with the hope of yielding mutual benefits.

4 Great Ways to Propagate Roses

Throughout history, people have prized roses for their vibrant color, their delicate appearance, and their unmistakable, sweet, honeyed scent.

How to Start a Rain Garden

Rain gardens slow down rainwater, allowing it to soak into the ground rather than flow into a sewer or nearby creek, where the debris could eventually clog the waterways.