How to Grow Your Own Herb Garden

Last Updated on July 22, 2023 by teamobn

If you’re in constant need of fresh herbs, why buy when you can plant them?

Herbs have several uses – you can use them when cooking, as medicine, as part of your beauty regimen, and many more. If you find yourself buying herbs often, it’s time to start your own herb garden. You’ll get easy access to them the whole year.

The good news is, you don’t necessarily need to have a lot of space to start an herb garden. Herbs can grow in small pots and window boxes. But if you’re dreaming of a lush array of green herbs when you step out into your backyard, don’t come ill-prepared. It’s best to do your research before jumping in.

Here are a few tips and tricks that’ll help you as you grow your own herb garden.

Choose your herbs

The key to choosing which herbs to plant is by knowing what you use most of the time. There’s really no sense in planting herbs you can’t use. Once you have identified these herbs, decide on whether you want to grow them from seeds or start with pre-potted ones. If you’re a beginner, starting with already blossoming ones will be a wise idea.

Take good care of your herbs and they’ll take good care of you.

Consider your location

As soon as you know which herbs you want in your garden, take the time to research regarding their needs. It’s important that you provide your herbs with the right growing conditions. A lot of herbs thrive in well-drained soil, even on gravelly ones, as long as they get ample sun. On one hand, some herbs require shady and moist areas.

Here are some examples:

  • Herbs for gravelly soil: Thyme, Sage, Rosemary, Oregano, Lavender
  • Herbs for moist areas: Watercress, Mint, Lemon Balm, Bergamot
  • Herbs for partial or high shade: Parsley, Mint, Lemon Balm, Chives, Chervil
  • Herbs for sun: Thyme, Rosemary, Oregano, Lavender, Fennel, Dill, Cilantro, Chamomile, Basil
Just like anything in life, it’s best to come prepared.

Preparation is key

Before you start planting, make sure that you have the right equipment. You’ll need a spade or small shovel, gardening gloves, fertilized soil, and containers or pots if you decide to plant in them. Additionally, you should be able to identify the herbs that need moisture from the ones that don’t. For herbs that require well-drained soil, planting on a raised bed or sloping ground will provide ideal drainage.

Planting time!

There are herbs that are best grown from seeds or seedlings while others are best purchased grown. If you want to plant from seeds, the best herbs are Lemon Balm, Dill, and Basil. Rosemary, Mint, French Tarragon, and Lemon Verbena are quite difficult to grow from seeds.

When all is said and done, remember to treat your herb garden right. It won’t flourish by itself so shower it with tender loving care. Make sure that the plants get enough sun and water. Take note of the temperature, too. Check on how dry the soil is and water as needed.



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